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Resolutions & Amendments

39th International Convention - Boston, MA (2010)

AFSCME's Commitment to Organize Private Not-For-Profit Educational and Social Services Must Be Redoubled

Resolution No. 41
39th International Convention
Boston Covention & Exhibition Center
June 28 - July 2, 2010
Boston, MA


Even in this stringent economy, new sources of organizing in educational institutions and social services have emerged and unorganized workers recognize the need to receive the benefits of unionization over and above the vicious anti-union attacks by employers; and

AFSCME has excelled in researching and organizing tens of thousands of non-profit employees across the nation, building our union to one of the strongest and most admired by workers, but feared by employers; and

Non-profit growth by institution has developed and non-profit managers and directors have received increasingly higher wages, while workers wages and benefits have shrunk. The need for organizing these employees must continue with commitment and a revived vision for organizing during this period.

There are thousands of non-profit institutions in the nation that should be organized and AFSCME should structure a central research body to strategically organize these institutions by region and industry to be available for AFSCME councils, and commit financial resources and training to those councils engaging in this organizing.
Raglan George, Jr., Executive Director
Kim Medina, President
Jeannette Pringle, Secretary
AFSCME Council 1707 
New York