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Resolutions & Amendments

42nd International Convention - Las Vegas, NV (2016)

Doctors are Workers, Too

Resolution No. 41
42nd International Convention
Las Vegas Convention Center
July 18 - 22, 2016
Las Vegas, NV


Millions of new patients under the Affordable Care Act are entering the market, and doctor shortages are stretching the capacity of the U.S. health care system; and


Both public and private employers are working to reduce the number of permanent health care employees, especially those with experience, while increasing the number of contracted positions; and


A diminished supply of quality doctors, including physicians, dentists and pharmacists, will be expected to service an expanding and aging group of patients; and


The low doctor-patient ratio poses a threat to the public's health; and


Nurses and other health care groups have successfully collectively bargained and passed legislation to improve nurse-patient ratios; and


A growing number of employed doctors are being organized into both public and private unions, and other self-employed doctors would benefit from collective bargaining.


That AFSCME, its councils and local affiliates sponsor, support and encourage legislation designed to establish reasonable doctor-patient ratios and create collective bargaining opportunities for both employed and self-employed doctors.


SUBMITTED BY: Stuart A. Bussey, MD, JD, President and Delegate

Mubashir A. Farooqi, MD, Vice President and Delegate

Shakalpi R. Pendurkar, DDS, MPH, Secretary and Delegate

Alice To, Pharm. D, Delegate

AFSCME Local 206, Union of American Physicians and Dentists
