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Resolutions & Amendments

28th International Convention - Los Angeles, CA (1988)

Career Mobility

Resolution No. 3
28th International Convention
June 20-24, 1988
Los Angeles, CA


Forecasts of the labor market indicate that the United States is headed for a labor shortage. Not only will entrants to the labor force decrease in number, but projections are that they will not have the level or quality of education of current workers; and


In our rapidly changing world, workers typically change jobs, and even careers, several times during their work life. Jobs that are in great demand today may not exist in the future; and those that do remain may be performed differently than they are now, requiring new skills; and


To be competitive, employers will have to retain their current experienced workforce, attract the best new workers and provide basic training to many future employees. Employees and their unions must prepare for the inevitable changes and use them to their advantage; and


The lack of career opportunities is a major factor in the low earnings of women and minorities. While wages have increased for many workers as a result of pay equity, moving women and minorities out of traditional jobs is also necessary in order to close the earnings gap; and


Surveys of AFSCME members show that career mobility is a top priority, yet barriers exist such as the lack of information on career planning, too few training programs and limited opportunities.


That this 28th International Convention urge AFSCME councils and locals to enhance career mobility for members, either through negotiations with the employer, joint labor-management efforts or union-sponsored programs. Possible approaches include, for example, assistance in career planning, training and education programs, and job restructuring; and


That the International provide technical assistance to help AFSCME councils and locals achieve this goal.



Steve Culen, Delegate and Executive Director
Council 31
Springfield, Illinois