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Resolutions & Amendments

36th International Convention - Anaheim, CA (2004)

Support the Right to Fully-funded, Fully-empowered School Boards

Resolution No. 87
36th International Convention
June 21 - 25, 2004
Anaheim, CA


In June 2002, the 35th AFSCME International Convention passed a resolution entitled "OPPOSING TAKEOVERS OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS," which states in part;


Across the nation urban, black and minority public school districts are having control taken away from the school boards elected by the communities that they serve, and placed in the hands of state officials or mayors…


AFSCME opposes these takeovers, and stands for the right of all communities to elect their own school boards...; and


In 1999, the majority black electorate of Detroit was stripped of the right to vote for its own school board through a state takeover engineered by the Republican governor at the time, Jim Engler; and


Engler's plan gave the mayor of Detroit the power to appoint the district's "CEO" and all but one school board member, who is appointed by the governor; and


While ostensibly about educational "reform," the appointed school board has shown in action its true mission: privatization, the elimination of public sector jobs (including AFSCME jobs) and the downgrading of educational opportunities of the very minority students who are already subjected to separate and unequal education. The board's recent announcement of 3,200 layoffs is the latest example of their so-called "reform" efforts. The real improvements needed in education require more resources, not the elimination of resources; and


If the appointed board's policies were supported by the people of Detroit, there would be no need to establish the current dictatorship. The real improvements in education needed require more democracy and accountability, not the elimination of democracy; and


All other Michigan residents elect school boards with the power to establish policy, manage finances, grant contracts and hire/fire the school superintendent; and


The original terms of the state takeover called for Detroit residents to vote in 2004 on whether they wish to keep an appointed board or return to an elected board; and


The mayor of Detroit, Kwame Kilpatrick, is currently jockeying with Republican members of the state legislature to ensure that when the people of Detroit vote to return to an elected board, he will maintain the power to appoint the "CEO," grant contracts and control the district's finances. Kilpatrick has also been maneuvering to bring in more charter schools, which would further undermine public education and increase privatization. Kilpatrick is supported in these efforts by the corporate media and big business; and


Only fully-elected, fully-empowered school boards, completely accountable to the students, parents, teachers and all the people of the community, can fight for smaller class sizes, increased resources and school integration, necessary to solve the real problem of public education; and


Other majority minority school districts across the nation have been subjected to similar state or mayoral takeovers, and similar attacks on jobs and public education.


AFSCME supports the right of Detroit community, and of all communities, to fully elected, fully empowered school boards.


John Riehl, President and Delegate
Susan V. Ryan, Delegate
Michael Mulholland, Delegate
Victor Hunter, Delegate
Leketa Thomas, Delegate
AFSCME Local 207 Council 25